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Best Rate and Amazing Express Service
943368657(2015/7/27 19:25:39)  点击:104511  回复:0  IP:27.* * *
818 e-com is owning over 20 years precious experience in logistics & express industry and strongly understanding that what the markets and users exactly need. We can provide   Free”Taobao Daigou” Service / Professional Storage Service/ Singapore Self Collection Service and more! With best rate and best services, what are you waiting for? Come and contact us for more info now.
Express rate from Guangzhou to Malaysia: RMB15/KG (Operations Fee is chargeable)
Express rate from Guangzhou to Singapore :  : First 1kg is Rmb22  Addition 1kg is RMB15(Operations Fee is chargeable)
Calculation method of Operations Fee :
First Domestic parcel is RMB6 , The Second Domestic parcel is RMB4, The third and after Domestic parcel is RMB2 each.
Contact :
Salesman: Franky/Sally
Tel:86-18122328988/86- 18122328968
Wechat: Yse-sales/13751831505
Agent account:CDC0688
Address : Unit 1-6 & 9-10,G/F,No 1,Baiyun San Xian,Jiahe Hebian,Baiyun District,Guangzhou,Guangdong.
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我们提供15个国家/地区的留学服务。您可以通过我们免费申请海外的10所大学,但是每个国家最多只能申请8所。免费申请的国家包括:英国 / 澳大利亚 / 新西兰 / 加拿大)。收费申请的国家包括:美国 / 香港 / 澳门 / 新加坡 / 爱尔兰 / 德国 / 荷兰 / 丹麦 / 瑞典 / 西班牙 / 马耳他 。海外大学查找

我们提供英国 / 美国 / 澳大利亚 / 新西兰 / 加拿大 / 爱尔兰的幼儿园,小学,初中,高中的私立学校(也称私校或独立学校)申请。海外私校查找



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